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A double bill presented by RIVA the Faroese Dance Company

Memories, whether preserved or suppressed, stay in our bodies and leave behind marks. As we physically change our memories change with us. Memories can be the remnants of a time gone by, a place, a person or an occurrence. Reminiscing about good times; trying to make sense of blurry occurrences gone by in an intoxicated state; wanting to latch onto the memory or trying to run away from it.


MINNISBROT (MEMORY FRAGMENTS) is a double bill dance performance presented by RIVA the Faroese Dance Company. A performance that entwines dance and poetry. The two duets being presented are:  ‘tveyeini’ (two-alone) by Rannvá G. Niclasen and Vár B. Árting and ‘Minni: neglir klóra rygg’ (Memory: nails scratching back) by Beinir Bergsson and Búi Rouch.


The common thread is the connection between two bodies and the emotional interplay between the two. The works deal with themes of yearning, longing and the intimacy between two bodies on stage. The double bill is a journey through a series of memory fragments, both personal and as told by others, in an effort to embody and depict them through movement.


two-alone // tveyeini 

Two bodies entwined in movement on a journey through fragments of memories. Through a juxtaposition of pedestrian body language, abstract and performative movements the sense of reality is distorted and a new universe is shaped, reflecting the emotional spectrum connected to the themes. The frame for the soundscape is Klingra’s new album “...eftir”.

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Memory: nails scratching back // Minni: neglir klóra rygg

The work puts forth a landscape of memories, a collision of poems and movements about queer yearning. Six memories about intimacy, bodycontact and sexual assault are depicted through the flux of words and movements. Seeking a way to recollect these memories through bodily material and utterances.

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Choreography and performance: Vár B. Árting and Rannvá G. Niclasen

Music: Klingra

Sound editing: Vár B. Árting and Rannvá G. Niclasen

Costumes: Vár B. Árting and Rannvá G. Niclasen

Minni: neglir klóra rygg

Performance: Búi Rouch og Beinir Bergsson

Choreography: Búi Rouch

Text: Beinir Bergsson

Soundscape: Sjúrður Tróndheim

Other music: I am an Animal eftir Gorovich & About a Forest eftir Lauri Lest

Costumes: Guðrun & Guðrun


Producers: Vár B. Árting og Rannvá G. Niclasen

Light design: Villiam Soo Joensen

Scenography (design): Vár B. Árting og Rannvá G. Niclasen

Scenography (build): Anngrím Árting og Jørgin B. Árting

Photographer: Gwenaël Akira Helmsdal Carré

Thank you Norðurlandahúsið, Dansifrøi, Løkshøll, Dansverkstæðið and Havnar Fimleikafelag

Supported by Mentanargrunnur Landsins, Almanna- og Mentamálaráðið, Nordisk Kulturfond and Listaflog

© 2021/ RIVA.

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