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a malleable duet

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The duet tveyeini (two-alone) is a new work which explores the themes of yearning, longing and the intimacy between two bodies on stage.

The duet is choreographed and performed by Rannvá G. Niclasen and Vár B. Árting.

The duet premiered as part of MINNISBROT, a double bill performance, at the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands on August 12th 2023.

Initially RIVA was commisioned by Urd Johannesen to create a new work in connection to a fundraising event for Berin, to be broadcast on Kringvarp Føroya. Thus began the development of tveyeini. The creative process explored themes such as intimacy, longing, losing someone close to you and playing with the relationship between two bodies - to maintain the connection and what happens when that connection is lost.


Two bodies entwined in movement on a journey through fragments of memories. Through a juxtaposition of pedestrian body language, abstract and performative movements the sense of reality is distorted and a new universe is shaped, reflecting the emotional spectrum connected to the themes. The frame for the soundscape is Klingra’s new album “...eftir”.

The piece draws you into the vulnerable universe of the performing dancers and encourages the audience to trust their own imagination and feelings and in their own way interpret the relationship between the two bodies and what their story might be.

The further development of the work as an evening length piece began in collaboration with the Icelandic based Dansverkstæðið, which provided facilities for a dance residency for RIVA from April 3rd to April 14th 2023. The residency allowed us to exchange ideas and artistry with the local dance scene and connect the Faroese and Icelandic dance communities. The residency was supported by Nordic Culture Fund.

A filmed excerpt from the duet was broadcast on Kringvarp Føroya as part of a fundraising campaign for Berin in March 2023 as well as performed as a 10 minute version in collaboration with Guðrun & Guðrun at the art and tech conference Tonik in May 2023.

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